
Peak Genius 3010 Nitrogen Generator

SKU: 1811 Category: Tag:


Peak Genius 3010 Nitrogen Generator. Dual tap trans 200-230v AC 2.02Kva (06-3200) not included.

Genius 30 series generators are engineered with an increased flow rate to assist LC-MS instruments with a requirement for a higher nitrogen flow rate or to supply nitrogen for two instruments. The Genius 3010 can deliver a single output of laboratory-grade nitrogen at flow rates of up to 64 liters per minute.

Item Number: 1811
Manufacturer: Peak Scientific
Model: Genius 3010
Serial Number: A13-09-294
Condition: Refurbished
Warranty: 90-days (6-months if purchased with a refurbished Agilent LC/MS system)

Includes: Peak Scientific Genius 3020 nitrogen generator

Please Note: List price includes shipping within the United States and Canada.

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