
Frontier Magic Chemisorber PEG-S

SKU: PY1-MC04PS Categories: , Tag:


Frontier Magic Chemisorber PEG-S (5 each), 1 set.

Dimensions: L=10 mm, od. 2.0 mm, id. 1.4 mm, df. 30 µm

Frontier Magic Chemisorber PEG-S is a highly polar solid-phase extraction device useful for analyzing trace organic compounds in aqueous and gaseous media, and also headspace analysis of solid and liquid samples.

Magic Chemisorber PEG-S is a solid-phase extraction device in which a thickness of 30 µm og polyethylene glycol (PEG) is bonded to the outer wall of a deactivated stainless steel tube. This is an innovative solid-phase extraction device that has high selectivity for polar compounds such as alcohols and carboxyl groups, because PEG having a strong polarity is used as a stationary phase. In extraction analysis, the device is immersed in a sample (gas/liquid) or placed in the headspace of a solid sample. After that, the extracted compounds are thermally desorbed using a pyrolyzer, etc. and then GC analysis is conducted.

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Part # PY1-3337
