
Frontier Magic Chemisorber PEG-S Kit

SKU: PY1-MC04PS-K Categories: , Tag:


Frontier Magic Chemisorber PEG-S Kit. Each kit includes Magic Chemisorber PEG-S (5 each), Eco-Stick DF (5 each), and Flow-through Eco-cup LHF (5 each).

Magic Chemisorber PEG-S is a highly polar solid-phase extraction device useful for analyzing trace organic compounds in aqueous and gaseous media, and also headspace analysis of solid and liquid samples.

Eco-Stick DF is for the Eco-Cup LF (stainless steel, 80 mm long). The Eco-Stick DF is used for manual Double-Shot analysis.

Eco-Cup LHF flow-through sample cups provide better peak shape resolution of volatile compounds (C3-10) than regular cups, and prevent secondary reactions under a low carrier gas flow, e,g. 10 mL/min.

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