Markes TD100 Thermal Desorption System

SKU: 2539 Category: Tag:


Fully-refurbished Markes TD100 Advance Automated Thermal Desorber for up to 100 3.5-inch tubes, configured for electronic gas carrier control, automated re-collection and electronic control of split and desorb flows with Internal Standard (IS) addition. System includes U-GAS01 Dual regulator (dry gas/carrier gas) pneumatics accessory and U-GAS03 Single regulator pneumatics accessory (for carrier gas regulation).

Item Number: 2539
Manufacturer: Markes International
Model: TD100
Serial Number: GB00K10162
Condition: Quantum Certified Refurbished
Warranty: 6-month warranty

Includes: Markes TD100 Advance Automated Thermal Desorber for up to 100 3.5-inch tubes, configured for electronic gas carrier control, automated re-collection and electronic control of split and desorb flows with Internal Standard (IS) addition

  • U-GAS01 Dual regulator (dry gas/carrier gas) pneumatics accessory
  • U-GAS03 Single regulator pneumatics accessory (for carrier gas regulation)


  • Installation & familiarization
  • Extended warranty

Please note:
List price includes shipping within the United States and Canada.

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